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Independence and Unity Day in Slovenia in 2024

On December 26th, Slovenia celebrates Independence and Unity Day to commemorate two watershed periods in the country's history. In 1991, Slovenia declared its independence from Yugoslavia, leading to international recognition of its sovereignty. On December...


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Independence and Unity Day in Slovenia in 2024

On December 26th, Slovenia celebrates Independence and Unity Day to commemorate two watershed periods in the country's history. In 1991, Slovenia declared its independence...

Australia Day around the world in 2025

Every year on January 26th, we observe Australia Day to commemorate the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788, which established the first British...

Austria National Day: History, Traditions, and Celebrations Explained

Austria National Day, observed annually on October 26th, honors the country's proclamation of permanent neutrality in 1955. This historic occasion commemorated Austria's regaining sovereignty...

“Tamborrada Festival: Celebrating Culture and Rhythm in San Sebastián”

The annual drum festival, Tamborrada of Donostia (Basque Donostiako Danborrada), takes place in San Sebastián, Spain, on January 20. At midnight, the mayor raises...

Discovering Sziget Festival: Your Complete 2024 Guide

The Sziget Festival is a world-renowned music and cultural festival that takes place every year on Buda Island in Budapest, Hungary. It features a...

Reformation Day in Slovenia in 2024

Since 1992, Slovenia has designated Reformation Day as a municipal holiday. Despite the fact that Slovenia is largely Roman Catholic, Slovenians regard the Reformation...

The Sami People: Culture, History, and Contemporary Issues

The Sami people are indigenous to the Arctic region, which includes northern Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia's Kola Peninsula. The Sami are known for...

The Himba People: Culture, History, and Clothing and hair style

The Himba people are an indigenous community who live in northern Namibia's Kunene area and southern Angola. They live a semi-nomadic pastoralist lifestyle centered...

The Quechua People: Guardians of Andean Heritage and Culture

The Quechua people are indigenous to South America's Andes and live largely in Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, Argentina, and Chile. They are known for...