About us

About History Calendar

Welcome to the History Calendar, a portal into the rich tapestry of world culture, events, holidays, festivals, and traditions. We dedicate our platform to uncovering and commemorating the distinctive legacy that unites us as a worldwide community.

Our Mission:

History calendar’s purpose is to highlight the richness and diversity of human history and culture. By investigating the events, traditions, and behaviors that define various communities around the world, we hope to foster awareness, appreciation, and respect for global heritage.

What We Offer:

World History: Take a journey through time as we investigate major events, civilizations, and historical personalities who have affected the trajectory of human history.

Cultural Insights: Explore deeply into the practices, rituals, and traditions of various cultures to obtain a better understanding of the values and beliefs that bind us together as a global society.

Event Highlights: Learn about upcoming global events, holidays, and festivals, as well as innovative ways to enjoy and participate.

Holiday Guides: Learn about the origins and significance of different cultures’ holidays and festivals, as well as the traditions and rituals that accompany each celebration.

Meet our team

Krishna- Founder

Krishna, the creative founder of History Calendar, is passionate about world history. With a strong desire to explore the tales and experiences that build our world, Krishna set out on a mission to create a platform that celebrates the richness and diversity of human heritage. Krishna adds a unique viewpoint to the team, combining a passion for storytelling with a drive to foster intercultural tolerance and acceptance.

Content Writers

jack- World History

jack, our resident historian, has a talent for bringing the past to life. With a history degree and a passion for narrative, he methodically analyzes and writes about major events, civilizations, and historical personalities that have affected our world.

Emma – Culture

Emma is a cultural expert who seeks out unique customs, rituals, and traditions from all across the world. With a background in anthropology and a passion for understanding different cultures, she adds a unique perspective to our platform, revealing the values and ideas that connect us as a global community.

Jessica- Events

Jessica is our events expert, providing updates on forthcoming festivals, holidays, and cultural celebrations globally. She has a passion for travel and a good eye for detail, so you never miss an opportunity to immerse yourself in the vivid tapestry of global culture.

John- Editor

John is our senior editor, ensuring that every piece of content on the history calendar meets our high standards for quality and accuracy. With a sharp eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, John evaluates and refines each piece to ensure that our readers have the greatest possible experience.